:: Notable Tarkalanri (Grandfather of Kakazai Pashtuns) Historical Excerpts - "Panjab Castes: Being a Reprint of the Chapter on "The Races, Castes, and Tribes of the People" in the Report on the Census of the Panjab Published in 1883...
:: Notable Kakazai Pashtuns Historical Excerpt (Pashto) - Tarkalanri (Grandfather of Kakazai) Pashtuns mentioned on Page 1322 in the following book in Pashto :: "پښتانه د تاريخ په رڼا کې" سيد بهادرشاه ظفر کاکا خيل © www.kakazai.com
Qais Abdur Rashīd or Qais Abdul Rasheed (قيس عبد الرشيد‎) - The legendary founding father of the Pashtuns Takht-e-Sulaiman (Pashto: تخت سليمان، د کسي غر‎), or Throne of Solomon, is a peak of the Sulaiman Mountains, located near the village...