:: Notable Kakazai Pashtuns Historical Excerpts - "Report of the Commissioners Appointed by the Punjab Sub-Committee of the Indian National Congress, Indian National Congress. Punjab Subcommittee" - Volume II - Evidence - Page 290, 291, 292 and more (Originally...
:: Notable Kakazai Pashtuns Historical Excerpts - "Handbook of the Manufactures And Arts of the Punjab - With A Combined Glossary And Index of Vernacular Traders and Technical Terms, &c., &c. - Forming Vol. II - To The "Handbook...
:: Notable Tarkalanri (Grandfather of Kakazai Pashtuns) Historical Excerpts - "Panjab Castes: Being a Reprint of the Chapter on "The Races, Castes, and Tribes of the People" in the Report on the Census of the Panjab Published in 1883...
:: Notable Tarkalanri (Grandfather of the Kakazai Pashtuns) Historical Excerpts - "A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province: L.-Z, Volume III - Based on the Census Report for the Punjab, 1883, by...
:: Notable Kakazai Pashtuns Historical Excerpt - "The Afghan nobility and the Mughals (1526-1707)" - by Rita Joshi (Originally published 1985)
(Kakazai Afghan Pashtuns in Gurdaspur, Punjab mentioned on Page 9)
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